October issue

The October issue of Stamp Magazine, published on September 12, includes...

Stamp Magazine’s 90th anniversary
What has happened in the philatelic world and the wider world since Stamp Magazine made its debut in October 1934? Quite a lot, it turns out

Queen Marie of Romania
She was a British princess, and she could have been Britain’s queen, but Marie of Edinburgh ended up as the last Queen of Romania, and a philatelic icon

Commonwealth Classics
Fiji’s 1938 pictorial definitives were divided between two printers

Early Elizabethans
The Robert Burns Commemoration issue of 1966 was years overdue, and rather too political

Strange but True
Which was the first country to print its postage stamps in coils? Well, it wasn’t one of the obvious suspects

Rear-View Mirror
Are Great Britain’s errors a tad disappointing compared with those of other countries?

Some say philately is in decline. On the contrary, we’ve never had it so good!